
Born in 1988 in Bergamo, Italy.
Graduated in 2010 from Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, department of New Technology of Arts.
Graduated in 2016 from SAE Institute Milano in Color Correction.
Works as camera operator, editor, colorist and post production operator.

De Occulta Imagine | Directed by Stefano P. Testa | Italy, 2024
Madre Sonno | Directed by Luca Gasparini, Andrea Zambelli | Italy, 2023 | Color Correction, Post-Production
A guardia di una fede
| Directed by Andrea Zambelli | Italy, 2023 | Color Correction, Post-Production
L’architetta Carla
| Directed by Davide Minotti, Valeria Miracapillo | Italy, 2024 | Color correction
In tutte le ore e nessuna
| Directed by Davide Minotti, Valeria Miracapillo | Italy, 2023 | Color correction
Caro Mostro
| Directed by Stefano P. Testa | Italy, 2023
18 marzo | Directed by Beppe Manzi | Italy, 2022 | color correction
Umberto Eco. La biblioteca del mondo | Directed by Davide Ferrario | Italy, 2022 | Camera assistant, color correction
| Directed by Andrea Zanoli | Italy, 2021 | Editing, Post-Production
Vagli a spiegare che è primavera
| Directed by Sara Luraschi, Lucio Guarinoni | Italy, 2021 | Color Correction
Brucia. Ancora.
| Directed by Andrea Zanoli, Stefano P. Testa | Italy, 2021
Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner
| Directed by Stefano P. Testa | Italy, 2020
Vidas de Vidrio | Directed by Daniele Giacometti, Tommaso Valli | Italy, 2020 | Color Correction
Le Terre Alte | Directed by Andrea Zambelli, Andrea Zanoli | Italy, 2020 | Editing, Post-Production
Nuovo Cinema Paralitico | Directed by Davide Ferrario | Italy, 2020 | Color Correction
Pastrone! | Directed by Lorenzo De Nicola | Italy, 2019 | Color Correction
Killing Time | Directed by Valeria Testagrossa, Andrea Zambelli | Italy, 2019 | Color Correction, Post-Production
Primula Rossa | Directed by Franco Jannuzzi | Italy, 2019 | Color Correction
Pierino | Directed by Luca Ferri | Italy, 2018 | Screenplay, Editing, Post-Production
Contromano | Directed by Antonio Albanese | Italy, 2018 | Assistant editor
Libere | Directed by Rossella Schillaci | Italy, 2017 | Color correction
Ignoto 1 – Yara, DNA di un’indagine | Directed by Hugo Berkeley | Italy/UK, 2017 | Camera operator
Moloch | Directed by Stefano P. Testa | Italy, 2017
Le allettanti promesse – Tempting Promises | Directed by Chiara Campara and Lorenzo Faggi | Italy,2017 | Color correction
Colombi | Directed by Luca Ferri | Short, Italy, 2016 | Editor
L’Accademia Carrara – il museo riscoperto | Directed by Davide Ferrario | Italy, 2015 | Camera assistant
The Second Closet | Directed by Sara Luraschi and Stefania Minghini Azzariello | Short, Italy, 2015 | Camera assistant
Umberto Eco, sulla memoria | Directed by Davide Ferrario | Italy, 2015 | Camera operator
Il nemico – un breviario partigiano | Directed by Federico Spinetti | Italy, 2015 | Steadycam operator
Coronado | Directed by Stefano P. Testa | Short, Italy, 2012

● 2024
ARKIPEL Jakarta Documentary & Experimental Film Festival (Jakarta, Indonesia) | De Occulta Imagine | Official Selection
Riprendersi (Torino, UK) | De Occulta Imagine | Official Selection
Sheffield DocFest (Sheffield, UK) | De Occulta Imagine | Official Selection
Kortfilmfestivalen (Grimstad, Norway) | De Occulta Imagine | Official Selection
UnArchive – Found Footage Fest (Rome, Italy) | De Occulta Imagine | Out of Competition
● 2023
Molo Film Festival (Rome, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Best Short Award
Beijing International Short Film Festival (Beijing, China) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
Experimental Video Screening Festival in Macao (Macau, China) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
CInemaZERO (Trento, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
Visioni Italiane (Bologna, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Jury Special Mention
MAGMA Mostra di Cinema Breve (Acireale, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
Documentaria (Noto, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Out of Competition
Rome International Documentary Festival (Rome, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
FrontDoc (Aosta, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
FLIGHT Mostra del Cinema di Genova (Genova, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Jury Special Mention, Best Short Critic Award
Revolutions Per Minutes Festival (Harvard University, Boston, MA) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
Family Film Project (Porto, Portugal) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
PERSO Perugia Social Film Festival (Perugia, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Jury Special Mention
The Unprecedented Cinema (Tallinn, Estonia) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
Ceprano Film Festival (Ceprano, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
Cinema del Reale (Corigliano d’Otranto, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Best Short Award
Faito Doc Fest (Monte Faito, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Jury Special Mention
Asolo Art Film Festival (Asolo, Italy) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
Sheffield DocFest (Sheffield, UK) | Caro Mostro | Official Selection
● 2022
Fuorinorma (Rome, Italy) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Official Selection
● 2021
UnArchive – Found Footage Fest (Rome, Italy) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Official Selection
Golden tree International Documentary Film Festival (Paris, France) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Official Selection
Documentaria (Palermo, Italy) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Audience Award, Best Editing Award
Linea d’Ombra (Salerno, Italy) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Popular Jury Award
Lucca FIlm Festival (Lucca, Italy) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Special Event
Film Festival del Garda (San Felice del Benaco, Italy – Online Edition) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner|Official Selection
Outer Docs (Ithaca, NY – Online Edition) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Best Documentary Feature – Runner Up
Bergamo Film Meeting (Bergamo, Italy – Online Edition) | Brucia. Ancora. | Special Event
Bergamo Film Meeting (Bergamo, Italy – Online Edition) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Special Event
● 2020
Filmmaker (Milano, Italy – Online Edition) | Il Secondo Principio di Hans Liebschner | Prospettive Jury Award
● 2019
ULTRAcinema (Guelatao, Oaxaca, Mexico) | Moloch | Official Selection
● 2018

Avvistamenti (Bisceglie – BT, Italy) | Moloch | Official Selection
Faito Doc Festival (Monte Faito – NA, Italy) | Moloch | Official Selection
Suburbinale (Groß-Enzersdorf, Austria) | Moloch | Official Selection
Cineforno.doc (Rho – MI, Italy) | Moloch | Screening
Gdańsk DocFilm Festival (Gdańsk, Poland) | Moloch | Official Selection
DOCfeed (Eindhoven, Netherlands) | Moloch | Official Selection
● 2017
Visual Fest – Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Rome, Italy) | Moloch | Special Jury Award
Experimental Edge Film Festival (Tallahassee, Florida) | Moloch | Best Experimental Feature
Documentaria (Noto, Italy) | Moloch | Out of Competition
Docunder30 (Ferrara, Italy) | Moloch | Out of Competition
Presente Italiano – Il cinema che non ti aspetti (Pistoia, Italy) | Moloch | Special Event
Premio Angelo di Castro – Trastevere Rione del Cinema (Rome, Italy) | Moloch | Official Selection
Film Festival del Garda (Salò, Italy) | Moloch | Official Selection
Doc/it Professional Awards (Rome, Italy) | Moloch | Official Selection
Visioni Italiane – Cineteca di Bologna (Bologna, Italy) | Moloch | D.E-R Award Best Documentary 2017
● 2013
Super 8mm Fesztivàl (Szeged, Hungary) | Coronado | Official Selection
Trebaseleghe Film Festival (Trebaseleghe, Italy) | Coronado | Official Selection
Cast Film Fest (Castellaneta, Italy) | Coronado | Official Selection
Cyborg Film Festival (Anghiari, Italy) | Coronado | Official Selection
FI-PI-LI Horror Festival (Livorno, Italy) | Coronado | Official Selection
Skepto International Film Festival (Cagliari, Italy) | Coronado | Official Selection
● 2012
Avvistamenti (Bisceglie; Italy) | Coronado | Official Selection
Il Grande Sentiero (Bergamo) | Coronado | Official Selection

2010 > PRESENT | Responsible for the audiovisual communication of the Bergamo Film Meeting international film festival.
2023 | Member of the LineaDOC jury of the Linea D’Ombra international film Festival in Salerno, Italy.
2023 | Speaker at Documentaria International FIlm Festival: “Spazzolare la storia contropelo: riuso creativo del film di famiglia”, workshop about creative reuse of home movies, Noto, Italy.
2023 | Programmer at MADE Film Festival, Bergamo, Italy.
2023 | Speaker at “Recycled Stories: roles and functions of found footage in our present”, Concorto Film Festival, Piacenza, Italy.
2023 | Speaker at “Racconto di due città”, workshop about family film archives organised by Cinescatti – Lab 80 film, Bergamo, Italy.
2022 | Artist-in-residence at “Unarchive. Suoni & Visioni” organised by AAMOD archive in Rome, Italy.
2022 | Member of the jury of the Documentaria International Film Festival in Palermo, Italy.
2019 | Member of the jury of the international short competition at the Lucca Film Festival
2017 | Participation at “In Progress”, workshop for audiovisual projects development organised by Milano Film Network